“A general dissolution of the principles and manners will more surely overthrow
the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the
people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but once they lose their virtue,
they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal
invader. If virtue and knowledge are diffused among the people, they will never
be enslaved. This will be their great security.”
--Samuel Adams
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Quote for Today:
Monday, March 28, 2011
Quote For Today
"God is Love. We eventually have to ask ourselves the question; why was Love nailed to a cross."
Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II
Why Do I Need GOD?
There is some truth to the ole' saying, “…When the going gets tough … the tough get going.” Well, in these United States, there are not too many of us that have it very “TOUGH” when we look at other places like Africa, Haiti, China, India, and some of the other developing and under-developed countries around the globe. In the US, I am confident in saying that maybe… 90% or more of the homes have running water. The ones that do not, probably don’t have to go very far to get it. (example: Our local Amish folk.) In MANY areas of the world, there are people who have to walk miles to get drinking water every single day. Here in the US, we don’t even walk to get our groceries, unless by choice. We are very blessed in this country. “In just one day, more than 200 million hours of women’s time is consumed for the most basic of human needs — collecting water for domestic use. (www.water.org ) In addition, MUCH of that water is not sanitary. … However, I digress.
Yes, we are a truly a blessed people here in the US. When we look at the rest of the world MOST of us here have it DARN good! In there I think, lies our problem. Because we are so content with our double incomes, 2 cars, and all the comforts of home we are very self-sufficient. Apparently our self confidence makes us think we don't need God. Whether we intentionally feel that way or like me, we just seem to SLIP into that mindset over time; so many of us live our lives this way. I have had this mind-set during several extended periods of time in my life. I seldom gave God much thought. I had everything I needed so I wasn't 'forced' to give it much thought. There was nothing that I had to “WANT” for. LIFE IS GOOD! Sound familiar? Heck, I was so busy with my life I didn’t even take time to make friends when I first moved into this area, much less spend time with God. I really had it all! Or, so I thought.
Then comes those ‘valleys’… OH, how things can be different. It may be a health crisis, a marriage crisis, job crisis, or God forbid -the death of a loved one that KNOCKS us off our “independently high horse.” These are the times when we truly need other people, relationships, and times that we especially need God. I know I did. I hit rock bottom several years back, with a health crisis, job crisis, and marriage crisis, all at once. I was devastated and in deep depression. Even worse, I felt very much alone. The ‘poor me, self-pity party’ was long and drawn out. Whom do you think I finally turned to? You guessed it, God! It took awhile, but HE was the only one that could help me. I did attend a church some 10 years before in another city, but I did not have any church, family, or friends in this area here for support. It was just God and me for about 2 years, although I did have some valuable counseling. I am not looking for pity because although I was not being faithful to God, HE was most certainly faithful to me. Many, many years ago, He had adopted me as one of His own. I may have forgotten, but He didn’t and He was there waiting for me to make myself present to him once again. He was there, again as my Savior ... there to rescue me from the depths of despair. As I recovered my senses, I realized that in my past the happiest times were always when I was in right relationship with God. The low times and/or even the times of my “artificial” security of self-sufficiency were NOT truly happy times. It is a lesson well learned and one I am determined by the grace of God Himself, to never let happen again.
Today, I do not have the security of a double income. I live on less than half of what I did before. Yet somehow, it seems that I have so much more! God has allowed me the grace to be happy with my lot. He has been so good to me in ways I never thought possible. Yes, I still struggle financially, but I always have enough to keep food on the table, a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and water in my glass. There is that old adage… Is the glass half empty? Or, is the glass half full? It’s a good question. Because I truly want to serve the Lord in my life my glass ... OVERFLOWETH with His gifts of Faith, Grace, Mercy, Hope, and especially His LOVE. Thank you Lord! What more could I want?
I ask you the question ... Are you truly happy? What is real happiness? How do you know when you are “really” happy? Don’t wait for those deep valleys and TOUGH TIMES to come before you find out. HE is there waiting, even now.
God Bless and Keep You, until next time ... Peace.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
A Triumph of Faith, Courage, and Grace.
by Mary T. Sorrendino
(http://www.amazon.com/Misery-Ministry-Mary-T-Sorrendino/dp/0974966495/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1301152193&sr=8-1 )
A Book Rewiew:
I recently finished reading Mary's book. It arrived in my mailbox at 1pm and I had it read shortly after midnight. I could not put it down. I have known Mary for about 25 years, and when I was told that she wrote a book, my first reaction was...."are you sure we are talking about the same person?" Mary had shared pieces of her story when we worked together some 15 years ago, but I had no idea that she struggled so, even as we worked side by side. I knew she never graduated from High School so I was quite surprised when I heard that she actually wrote a book. I immediately knew I had to read it.
It does make sense when I look back on those times. She was very meek, mild, and quiet, unless of course I "ruffled her feathers" just to a rise out of her. Then she would come ALIVE and could get quite feisty. I loved to tease her. However, there was one thing I always encountered when I was around her ... and that was her sincerity and LOVE. Love for God and love for people. Especially dear to her were the downtrodden and marginalized. I never once saw her put anyone down and she was always kind to everyone, even if they were not kind to her. God bestowed a wondrous capacity to Love upon Mary, the likes of which I have only seen in one or two people my entire life of 53 years. What makes that gift even more wondrous today -- is the fact that she had that gift, exhibited it, and lavished it on others all the while she suffered so internally. Yes, I knew she had some issues but never did I imagine the depth and breadth of her very difficult life. To be able to rise above all that took tremendous courage and strength. I am sure there are very few people on earth, who against such tremendous odds and mental anguish, would be able to rise above it all. It is truly hard for me to fathom. As you read her story, it will sadden you. Then it will amaze you. You may even shed a tear or two, as I did. Then it will encourage all of you, especially those who suffer from abuse, neglect and mental anguish. They will see the reality of the Hope and strength that comes only from trusting Jesus Christ. This book is truly a testament of one woman's life long struggle with her demons and the triumph over them. Mary knows and shows us that it is only possible when we CHOOSE to cooperate with the grace of Almighty God, through His Son Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Mary, I am so very proud of you. Thank you for sharing your MISERY with us, so that you can MINISTER to others.
by Mary T. Sorrendino
(http://www.amazon.com/Misery-Ministry-Mary-T-Sorrendino/dp/0974966495/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1301152193&sr=8-1 )
A Book Rewiew:
I recently finished reading Mary's book. It arrived in my mailbox at 1pm and I had it read shortly after midnight. I could not put it down. I have known Mary for about 25 years, and when I was told that she wrote a book, my first reaction was...."are you sure we are talking about the same person?" Mary had shared pieces of her story when we worked together some 15 years ago, but I had no idea that she struggled so, even as we worked side by side. I knew she never graduated from High School so I was quite surprised when I heard that she actually wrote a book. I immediately knew I had to read it.
It does make sense when I look back on those times. She was very meek, mild, and quiet, unless of course I "ruffled her feathers" just to a rise out of her. Then she would come ALIVE and could get quite feisty. I loved to tease her. However, there was one thing I always encountered when I was around her ... and that was her sincerity and LOVE. Love for God and love for people. Especially dear to her were the downtrodden and marginalized. I never once saw her put anyone down and she was always kind to everyone, even if they were not kind to her. God bestowed a wondrous capacity to Love upon Mary, the likes of which I have only seen in one or two people my entire life of 53 years. What makes that gift even more wondrous today -- is the fact that she had that gift, exhibited it, and lavished it on others all the while she suffered so internally. Yes, I knew she had some issues but never did I imagine the depth and breadth of her very difficult life. To be able to rise above all that took tremendous courage and strength. I am sure there are very few people on earth, who against such tremendous odds and mental anguish, would be able to rise above it all. It is truly hard for me to fathom. As you read her story, it will sadden you. Then it will amaze you. You may even shed a tear or two, as I did. Then it will encourage all of you, especially those who suffer from abuse, neglect and mental anguish. They will see the reality of the Hope and strength that comes only from trusting Jesus Christ. This book is truly a testament of one woman's life long struggle with her demons and the triumph over them. Mary knows and shows us that it is only possible when we CHOOSE to cooperate with the grace of Almighty God, through His Son Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Mary, I am so very proud of you. Thank you for sharing your MISERY with us, so that you can MINISTER to others.
May God bless you and keep you, this day and always.
Your friend in Christ,
Your friend in Christ,
What Is It, To Spend 'Real' Time Together?
Currently it seems we are forever on the go. We have all the appliances and gadgets to save us time, keep us organized, and ‘make life easier’. There are computers, pagers, IPods, Iphone, laptops, desktops, tablets, and kindles, all of which, in and of themselves take up more time. I am mindful of the time I called my daughter to tell her that I had not seen her in awhile and that I wanted her to come over so we could catch up. She was still in high school at the time and she lived with her mother. As a student, she had homework, a boyfriend, many friends, dances to go to and all those other activities teenagers have. Honestly, I was missing her and wanted an evening with just the two of us. She agreed and we planned to get together on a weeknight. I thought we would have a meal together, watch a movie form Netflix, and spend a little time enjoying one another’s ompany.
What are we doing!? It is no wonder we have trouble getting along with one another, siblings with siblings, children with parents, Spouses with spouses, you and God. If we are not spending the time with those we can see and touch and share the same room with, and yet NOT be present to them; how are we going to make ourselves present to the most important One that we cannot see?
Folks, one day I went around the house and unplugged the TV, vcr, cell phone, the computer, the printer, the laptop, the radio, and every gadget in the house except for one. I then went and sat in chair, in the middle of the house. THE SILENCE WAS DEAFANING! All the way from the living room, I could hear the water - two rooms away - dripping in the bathroom sink! I was startled when I heard the refrigerator kick on, as it was the only thing I hadn't unplugged. I don’t remember the last time I noticed it running so loud. I sat there in amazement because it was soooooo quiet. I didn’t hear the hum of any of the appliance, in quiet mode. The whirl of the fan in my computer was still. The sound of standing appliances… with that low soft 'noise of electricity' running, that ..."hummmm", was still. I sat there in silence, took a few deep breaths and they were the longest 10 min.s I've had in a long time. By the time 15 min.s had passed, I had to keep myself from drifting off to sleep. I tried to clear my mind, stay alert, and listen for God. After 20 min. I had finaly heard him, I chated a bit with him and ended with a prayer. Then I went on with the rest of my day. What did God say deep in my heart? He said, “Bill, WE need to do this more often, I miss you. How about doing this together a couple times a week for 30 min. and we’ll take it from there.” I said, “Ok Lord, I’ll try my best.” Spending those 30 minutes of time in any given week, has become something that I truly look forward too.
The evening came and she came right after school. She did not have any homework to do other an a short English paper. She came in the house sat on the couch and fell asleep. She hadn’t slept well the night before because she was up late doing other homework. I made one of her favorite dishes and when dinner was ready, I went in to wake her. A half hour after I finished my dinner she awoke and apologized for falling asleep. She ate and went into the computer to do her paper while I did the dishes. All the time she was working, I heard the cell phone beeping and clicking and beeping. Between the texting and the Instant messenger on the computer, it took her much longer than usual to complete her English homework. Unlike her father, she is very good in English, typing, writing and reading.
Finally, we met in the living room to watch the news and planned to watch the movie in an hour or so. While we listened to the news, we started talking and no less than 5 times during our conversation, she picked up her cell phone to respond to text messages. I paused and kindly asked her to turn the phone off. She was not very happy, protested, and asked why. I said to her, “Megh, I asked you to come so we could spend some time together and thought maybe we could catch up with one another.” Immediately she interjected, “I’m here dad. I came to see you. I'm here aren’t I? ” and her phone chimed in again. We both rather chuckled. It was funny. As I looked at her and as she was intently texting a message I interjected and said, “MEGH, you are here and I know it’s difficult with school and all the activities and homework you have to do, but at this moment, YES, you are here, but you are NOT PRESENT”. She stopped and looked at me and cracked a little smile. She put the cell down and after a short conversation; we began to watch our movie and ate our dessert. She had already seen the movie and an hour or so into the move her boyfriend called and was on his way over. He is a wonderful young man and I really like him. After he arrived she got up, gathered her homework and they were off and running after we exchanged “I love yous” and the evening ended. Even though I was disappointed that she left earlier than I had hoped, I was glad to see her. That evening didn’t go as we planned but we did end up spending the next Saturday together and had a wonderful day. Yes, she had her cell phone, but it did not seem to go off as much. I think she told her friends she was busy.
Finally, we met in the living room to watch the news and planned to watch the movie in an hour or so. While we listened to the news, we started talking and no less than 5 times during our conversation, she picked up her cell phone to respond to text messages. I paused and kindly asked her to turn the phone off. She was not very happy, protested, and asked why. I said to her, “Megh, I asked you to come so we could spend some time together and thought maybe we could catch up with one another.” Immediately she interjected, “I’m here dad. I came to see you. I'm here aren’t I? ” and her phone chimed in again. We both rather chuckled. It was funny. As I looked at her and as she was intently texting a message I interjected and said, “MEGH, you are here and I know it’s difficult with school and all the activities and homework you have to do, but at this moment, YES, you are here, but you are NOT PRESENT”. She stopped and looked at me and cracked a little smile. She put the cell down and after a short conversation; we began to watch our movie and ate our dessert. She had already seen the movie and an hour or so into the move her boyfriend called and was on his way over. He is a wonderful young man and I really like him. After he arrived she got up, gathered her homework and they were off and running after we exchanged “I love yous” and the evening ended. Even though I was disappointed that she left earlier than I had hoped, I was glad to see her. That evening didn’t go as we planned but we did end up spending the next Saturday together and had a wonderful day. Yes, she had her cell phone, but it did not seem to go off as much. I think she told her friends she was busy.
I share this story about my day, as it quite possibly could be a day in any home, any day of the week, at any hour of the day. With all the computers and toys, and the constant bombardment of text messages, emails, pagers, Instant messages, 24 hour TV, and even the ole radio, it seems there is never a moment of peace. Our minds are so busy and always jumping from one thing to next. We have become so accustomed to the buzz and the background noise that if we do not hear it we think something is wrong or missing. There are some of us who even have several things going all at once… one has the computer on, surfing and Facebook, IMs, Text and TV. A parent or sibling may be in a chair across the room with his or her laptop, Instant messaging, and even texting while they to, try to catch the sitcom on TV. Maybe there are two, three, or four people in the same room each evening at your house? They are all in their own little ‘bubbles’ where the only link between them is the TV that they try to watch in-between IMs and texts. We are all becoming slaves to our toys and gadgets. Four people sitting together in the same room and not one person is 'present' to the other. It is not an uncommon sight.
The next time you are in a room and this is what is happening I challenge you to, STOP! Turn off your cell, stop watching the TV, sign off of Facebook, shut down your laptop, set it aside and sit quietly and stare, looking at each one in the room with a smile and see how long it takes before someone notices your stare. Sit there and be quiet. I know it will be hard to sit so long and do nothing, but just try and if it goes on for more than 15 min. then and only then may you say something or move out of your place. NOW,.... now you know just how God has felt every day, since the days of Adam and Eve. He makes Himself present to us every moment of our lives. He is always there waiting. Patiently waiting. Wondering when we will make ourselves ‘present’ to him.What are we doing!? It is no wonder we have trouble getting along with one another, siblings with siblings, children with parents, Spouses with spouses, you and God. If we are not spending the time with those we can see and touch and share the same room with, and yet NOT be present to them; how are we going to make ourselves present to the most important One that we cannot see?
Folks, one day I went around the house and unplugged the TV, vcr, cell phone, the computer, the printer, the laptop, the radio, and every gadget in the house except for one. I then went and sat in chair, in the middle of the house. THE SILENCE WAS DEAFANING! All the way from the living room, I could hear the water - two rooms away - dripping in the bathroom sink! I was startled when I heard the refrigerator kick on, as it was the only thing I hadn't unplugged. I don’t remember the last time I noticed it running so loud. I sat there in amazement because it was soooooo quiet. I didn’t hear the hum of any of the appliance, in quiet mode. The whirl of the fan in my computer was still. The sound of standing appliances… with that low soft 'noise of electricity' running, that ..."hummmm", was still. I sat there in silence, took a few deep breaths and they were the longest 10 min.s I've had in a long time. By the time 15 min.s had passed, I had to keep myself from drifting off to sleep. I tried to clear my mind, stay alert, and listen for God. After 20 min. I had finaly heard him, I chated a bit with him and ended with a prayer. Then I went on with the rest of my day. What did God say deep in my heart? He said, “Bill, WE need to do this more often, I miss you. How about doing this together a couple times a week for 30 min. and we’ll take it from there.” I said, “Ok Lord, I’ll try my best.” Spending those 30 minutes of time in any given week, has become something that I truly look forward too.
Well, I think by now you get my point. WE just do not know how to make 'quiet', much less what to do with it! It takes PRACTICE, like anything else. So then, may I suggest that you try a novel idea? Sit in the quite of the house, in some corner of a room, or better yet invite the entire family to join you and just sit quiet. Make yourself(s) present to God. Say a little prayer, then sit quiet for a while, and savor the moment, as you savor his presence. I assure you, He will savor it too! After you finish with God, get up and play old maid, go fish, Uno, Phase 10, or something with the rest of the family and try to do that at least once a week. Make yourselves present to one another without distraction. I suggest a card game at a table or on the floor so that you are all facing one another. That way you will have a setting that makes for good conversation. Over time, and later in memory, it will become a favorite time together, especially if you do this while the kids are all still young.
Until next time,
May God bless and keep you …. Each and everyone in your home.
Friday, March 25, 2011
The UN-itended Consequences
Re: Bishop Thomas J. Tobin warns Catholics On "Gay Marriage"
– “Abysmal” Catholic apathy must be overcome to oppose those who are
“fiercely determined” to impose homosexual “marriage,” -Bishop of Providence, Rhode Island Thomas J. Tobin has warned. Reasserting Catholic teaching on sexual morality, he also said that same-sex “marriage” will endanger religious freedom.
All Christians of every denomination, not just Catholics need to wake up and educate themselves about the issues of Homosexuality and 'Gay' Marriage. Media and society in general has been very good about telling us why ‘Gay Marriage’ should demand social acceptance and become Law. They have slowly over the past several decades 'desensitized' us into believing in their agenda. We need to once again, look at this issue with open minds and re-evaluate where this is all taking us! Then after careful examination of both sides, we need to take responsible action and make ourselves heard by our Representatives in Local, State, and Federal government. IF 'gay marriage' becomes the Law of the land, there will be untold UN-INTENDED consequences.
Our kids and young adults do not realize that they have been, and are being (dare I say) 'railroaded' by the ‘gay agenda’ in our public schools. Heck, most of their parents don’t realize it either. With the lack of say that parents have in the curriculum of our public schools, it is obvious why so many of our kids and young adults are convinced that we should all be tolerant of the gay lifestyle. I can be tolerant of their standards, so as long as THEY can be tolerant of my standards. However, the lines between tolerance, moral character, and truth (unless it is 'relative' truth) are quickly fading away. Like religion and God himself, moral character and ‘real’ TRUTH is no longer taught in our schools. Society has convinced so many of our kids and MANY adults, that this lifestyle and/or any sexual behavior is 'relative'. It is the mentality that "if I'm OK, and you're OK... then it must be OK." We are being desensitized and methodically stripped of all moral character in our society. We as a society need to do some serious RE-EVALUATION as to where this 'Gay Agenda" is taking us. (Yes, I am repeating myself… and for good reason!)
These activists have always been outspoken, very assertive, and pro active in their 'cause' for changing the hearts and minds of all society. They are now attempting, and are often succeeding in trying to make us all conform to their disordered thought processes. Do you remember that less than 60 years ago homosexuality was against the law and considered sodomy, a felony offense? By 2002, 36 states had repealed all sodomy laws or had them overturned by court rulings. NOW these activists are seeking too not only change our minds, they are seeking to change the oldest institution of the human race. They want to redefine for all persons of all times, the definition of Marriage. In doing so, I am sure that if they could they would convince us that they could change the NATURAL LAW in which 'marriage' has it's firm roots. Marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman who LOVE one another so much, that in nine months the two become three. This is the natural law, that is an intrinsic part of humanity and cannot be denied, nor should it be EVER be redefined by making a law that gives a group of individuals the right to include themselves in a way so foreign to the ‘eternal’ sacrament of marriage and family. Heck.... next thing you know... a son will want to marry his Mother. I have actually seen news clips of a man wanting to marry his DOG!
Are you aware of what will happen if this law legalizing ‘gay marriage’ is imposed on our society? The Authors of our great Constitution did not intend for the laws and courts of this great country to be used to strip MORALITY, truth, God, the Word of God, and religion from the public forum. In fact they are the ones who inscribed the words that we “… are endowed by their (our) CREATOR….” as the very basis of Our GREAT Society. Wake Up America! If those who support the ‘gay agenda’ are successful here is just a short list of the unintended consequences:
I only share these few here, but there are DOZENS and DOZENS more for you to consider. Go and Google it and get caught up with what is happening in our society. For them, it's all about the “ME” and is never about “US”, society as a whole.
I ask you all to pray for four things.
Thank you for visiting my blog. Until next time,
May God Bless and Keep you.
Check out these other articles that demonstrate what we have to look forward to if 'gay' marraige' becomes the Law of the land here in the US. (some of which are ALREADY law)
Christian foster couple lose 'homosexuality views' case
Gay-rights opponents have human rights too, Vatican delegate reminds UN
Law Forces Christian Adoption Groups to Close
Christian Doctor Loses Position over Gay Adoption View
Catholic adoption charity loses gay exemption bid
– “Abysmal” Catholic apathy must be overcome to oppose those who are
“fiercely determined” to impose homosexual “marriage,” -Bishop of Providence, Rhode Island Thomas J. Tobin has warned. Reasserting Catholic teaching on sexual morality, he also said that same-sex “marriage” will endanger religious freedom.
All Christians of every denomination, not just Catholics need to wake up and educate themselves about the issues of Homosexuality and 'Gay' Marriage. Media and society in general has been very good about telling us why ‘Gay Marriage’ should demand social acceptance and become Law. They have slowly over the past several decades 'desensitized' us into believing in their agenda. We need to once again, look at this issue with open minds and re-evaluate where this is all taking us! Then after careful examination of both sides, we need to take responsible action and make ourselves heard by our Representatives in Local, State, and Federal government. IF 'gay marriage' becomes the Law of the land, there will be untold UN-INTENDED consequences.
Our kids and young adults do not realize that they have been, and are being (dare I say) 'railroaded' by the ‘gay agenda’ in our public schools. Heck, most of their parents don’t realize it either. With the lack of say that parents have in the curriculum of our public schools, it is obvious why so many of our kids and young adults are convinced that we should all be tolerant of the gay lifestyle. I can be tolerant of their standards, so as long as THEY can be tolerant of my standards. However, the lines between tolerance, moral character, and truth (unless it is 'relative' truth) are quickly fading away. Like religion and God himself, moral character and ‘real’ TRUTH is no longer taught in our schools. Society has convinced so many of our kids and MANY adults, that this lifestyle and/or any sexual behavior is 'relative'. It is the mentality that "if I'm OK, and you're OK... then it must be OK." We are being desensitized and methodically stripped of all moral character in our society. We as a society need to do some serious RE-EVALUATION as to where this 'Gay Agenda" is taking us. (Yes, I am repeating myself… and for good reason!)
These activists have always been outspoken, very assertive, and pro active in their 'cause' for changing the hearts and minds of all society. They are now attempting, and are often succeeding in trying to make us all conform to their disordered thought processes. Do you remember that less than 60 years ago homosexuality was against the law and considered sodomy, a felony offense? By 2002, 36 states had repealed all sodomy laws or had them overturned by court rulings. NOW these activists are seeking too not only change our minds, they are seeking to change the oldest institution of the human race. They want to redefine for all persons of all times, the definition of Marriage. In doing so, I am sure that if they could they would convince us that they could change the NATURAL LAW in which 'marriage' has it's firm roots. Marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman who LOVE one another so much, that in nine months the two become three. This is the natural law, that is an intrinsic part of humanity and cannot be denied, nor should it be EVER be redefined by making a law that gives a group of individuals the right to include themselves in a way so foreign to the ‘eternal’ sacrament of marriage and family. Heck.... next thing you know... a son will want to marry his Mother. I have actually seen news clips of a man wanting to marry his DOG!
Are you aware of what will happen if this law legalizing ‘gay marriage’ is imposed on our society? The Authors of our great Constitution did not intend for the laws and courts of this great country to be used to strip MORALITY, truth, God, the Word of God, and religion from the public forum. In fact they are the ones who inscribed the words that we “… are endowed by their (our) CREATOR….” as the very basis of Our GREAT Society. Wake Up America! If those who support the ‘gay agenda’ are successful here is just a short list of the unintended consequences:
1. Every Christian, Jew, and Muslim or any other person of faith who truly supports sound theology will be branded a ‘bigot’, should they disagree with the law.
2. Every Church and Faith based organization may be, or eventually will be, required to employ someone even if their lifestyle in not compatible with the moral standards of the faith.
3. Churches (etc.) will be obliged to marry same sex couples whether they want to or not.
4. Christian adoption agencies will be forced out of business if they do not permit Gay couples to adopt from their agencies. (this is already law in many states) Recently in ENGLAND there was a heterosexual Married Couple who were refused permission to Foster Children because they refused to educate or allow ‘gay morality’ to be encouraged or taught in their home (check link below)
5. Preachers of the Gospel and faith based books like the Bible and Koran, who speak against homosexuality are liable and will be arrested.
5. Preachers of the Gospel and faith based books like the Bible and Koran, who speak against homosexuality are liable and will be arrested.
6. Bed and Breakfast operators will be held liable if they do not allow homosexual couples into their homes. (There are states that have pending lawsuits on this issue as I write this blog.)
I only share these few here, but there are DOZENS and DOZENS more for you to consider. Go and Google it and get caught up with what is happening in our society. For them, it's all about the “ME” and is never about “US”, society as a whole.
I ask you all to pray for four things.
1. Pray that God will let truth and moral character prevail as the Church and WE all strive to do our part.
2. Pray for those who author this 'disordered thinking' and agenda -that God will change their hearts & minds.
3. Pray for Our Country, and our elected officials, that they will lead us and return to the Faith of our Fathers where we will once again embrace the virtues of faith in God, truth, and the moral standard.
Thank you for visiting my blog. Until next time,
May God Bless and Keep you.
Check out these other articles that demonstrate what we have to look forward to if 'gay' marraige' becomes the Law of the land here in the US. (some of which are ALREADY law)
Christian foster couple lose 'homosexuality views' case
Gay-rights opponents have human rights too, Vatican delegate reminds UN
Law Forces Christian Adoption Groups to Close
Christian Doctor Loses Position over Gay Adoption View
Catholic adoption charity loses gay exemption bid
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Sex Abuse IS NOT Exclusive To The Catholic Chruch
As a Roman Catholic, I am very conscious of the shame that the sex abuse scandal has brought to the Catholic Church. In this recent article from the NY Times dated March 12, 2011, the reporter brings to the written page a "REVELATION" of UNTHINKABLE proportions. This is an extensive article (more than 6 typed pages long) and was well researched and presented. I know there will be those who say that as a Catholic I am trying to divert attention from the Church's major scandal to the much bigger scandal in the public sector. However, they must also realize that no matter where this kind of behavior is found it MUST be rooted out and dealt with. While the Church has brought shame upon herself because of the sex abuse scandal, I am also very aware of the extensive steps the church has done to prevent such abuse in the Future. Unfortunately the public sector and our government has done absolutely nothing for the past 12 years about the extensive abuses found in these group homes, by counselors, hospitals, and especially in our public schools where the problem is worse than any other sector of society.
Charol Shakeshaft Ph.D., a scholar from Hofstra University completed a report commissioned by the U.S. Department of Education, in compliance with the 2002 "No Child Left Behind Act" signed into law by President Bush. Between 6 and 10 percent of public school children across the country have been sexually abused or harassed by school employees and teachers. It is estimated that roughly 290,000 students experienced some sort of physical sexual abuse by a school employee from a single decade—1991-2000. That compares with about five decades of cases of abuses found in the church by clergy and religious. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, in a report on the nature and scope of their abuse problem, found almost 14,000 cases of abuse by about 4,000 priests and deacons since 1950 -2000. That is 290,000 over a NINE-YEAR period in the public schools vs. 14,000 over a FIFTY-YEAR period in the Catholic Church. Shakeshaft commented that such figures led her to contend: “…the physical sexual abuse of students in the schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests.” (To learn more Google: Charol Shakeshaft PhD. or go to the links at the end of this article.)
I hope you read the articles linked to this post. Look for yourself and learn the facts. Then write your state and federal representatives to insist on action. Thank you for listening. We must all be a part of the solution or we must confess to being a part of the problem.
Abused and Used At State-Run Homes
Sex Abuse by Teachers Said Worse Than Catholic Church
Until next time,
May God Bless and Keep You
Charol Shakeshaft Ph.D., a scholar from Hofstra University completed a report commissioned by the U.S. Department of Education, in compliance with the 2002 "No Child Left Behind Act" signed into law by President Bush. Between 6 and 10 percent of public school children across the country have been sexually abused or harassed by school employees and teachers. It is estimated that roughly 290,000 students experienced some sort of physical sexual abuse by a school employee from a single decade—1991-2000. That compares with about five decades of cases of abuses found in the church by clergy and religious. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, in a report on the nature and scope of their abuse problem, found almost 14,000 cases of abuse by about 4,000 priests and deacons since 1950 -2000. That is 290,000 over a NINE-YEAR period in the public schools vs. 14,000 over a FIFTY-YEAR period in the Catholic Church. Shakeshaft commented that such figures led her to contend: “…the physical sexual abuse of students in the schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests.” (To learn more Google: Charol Shakeshaft PhD. or go to the links at the end of this article.)
I am also just as outraged by the level of media coverage that these articles have had -- or should I say - LACK of coverage. The media coverage of the Catholic priest abuse scandal is nearly COAST TO COAST and on every major network. Yet, whether they just want to turn a blind eye, or they are just anti-Catholic, or are maybe they are just too afraid of the Public worker/teacher Labor Unions …. There is NOTHING but DEAD SILENCE when it comes to the problem in our public schools. Even though I am Catholic, I am still an AMERICAN CITIZEN! WHERE is the public OUTCRY!? WHERE is the OUTRAGE!?!? AS a parent, I DO NOT have a problem if a priest who is guilty of sex abuse is removed and or jailed. I am also VERY concerned when there is NOTHING being done to protect the VICTIMS of these CRIMES by these public sector Perpetrators!
I hope you read the articles linked to this post. Look for yourself and learn the facts. Then write your state and federal representatives to insist on action. Thank you for listening. We must all be a part of the solution or we must confess to being a part of the problem.
Abused and Used At State-Run Homes
Sex Abuse by Teachers Said Worse Than Catholic Church
Until next time,
May God Bless and Keep You
The Sacrament of Reconciliation: Do You Dread It?
This Lent the bishop of the Diocese of Ogdensburg, Bishop Terry R. LaValley has asked that parish priests set aside March 26, 2011 as a day for the Sacrament of Reconciliation /Penance. He has asked them to schedule additional time for the faithful to fulfill their yearly minimum requirement. As Catholics, we are required to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation at least once per year during the season of Lent.
Are you AFRAID to go to Confession? Are you SCARED what the priest might THINK about you? Well, I would like to share with you, my experience of going to “confession” for the first time in OVER 25 YEARS. I was born and raised Catholic but by the time I was 26, I had left the Church and joined a protestant evangelical church. Shamefully, I actually tried to get other Catholics to go with me; but that is another story for a later time. I must also admit that over the years I often confessed that I would NEVER, EVER, EVER, go back to the Catholic Church. Did I say ‘never’? Well, we have all heard that before… “Never say never.”… Right? After about 15 years in the protestant church, I began to have doubts about their beliefs and slowly attended church less and less until I just stopped going altogether. Then I had some life changing and dramatic events in my life. As you might expect, I looked to the only place that I knew I could find hope and help. I turned to God.
Although this process took a year or so, I ultimately found myself at
the doors of St. Mary’s Cathedral in Ogdensburg. BOY was I scared! I was shaking so, as I opened that door and went in. NO, the roof did not cave in… but I did look up to make sure. It was Saturday and I learned that confessions were being heard at this time. I approached the confessional; still shaking with my heart racing I entered the box. I was surprised when I saw that I had the option of sitting right in front of the priest. “OH NO! I’m DEAD!” I thought. “I gotta look him in the eye? OH GOD! WHAT have I done!?” I almost turned around and walked out I was so scared. “What is this man going to THINK of me when I tell him that I tried to lead Catholics away from the Church!?” Then, into my head popped… “JUST DO IT”… like Nike says, “JUST DO IT!” And I did. I sat down RIGHT in front of him.
He was reading a book and as he set it down, he lifted his eyes to me
with a wide and sincere smile. I immediately turned my eyes to the floor. I
just could not look at him. He extended his hand and I looked up at his eyes as we shook hands. I then introduced myself. Then I froze! I couldn’t speak. MY lips and mouth were like a parched desert! “HOW am I going to get through this?!” I thought. He sensed my anxiety and said in a soft voice, “It’s OK, just relax. Take a deep breath and relax.” I tried, but was not very successful. I tried to speak and uttered a few words stumbling over them. Then I finally got it out… “Bless me father for I have sinned, it has been over 25 years since my last confession...” He said with a great big smile… “WELLLLLLL….” (At that instant I thought, ‘OH GOD… here it comes!")…. WEL-COMMMME Back!” I was pleasantly surprised and so relieved. This priest was not like Monsignor Tierney whom I once feared as a child. Maybe this isn’t going to be as hard as I thought. I must say that as I began to share of my thoughts, my words and deeds of the last quarter century… he listened so intently. He was sincere, genuinely concerned, loving, and encouraged me as we talked. He made me feel so comfortable, and he even helped me with the prayers. He was truly lifting me up. The Love I felt was amazing. "This is what Church should be like" I thought to myself. After he shared the story of the prodigal son and we discussed it briefly. He then prayed the words of absolution and my eyes welled up with tears of joy. The BURDEN off my shoulders was enough to make me want to SOAR! It was then I remembered one of the best things about confession… the RELIEF of Guilt and the JOY of being reconciled to God and his Church. Once again, I was assured that I was once again in ‘right relationship” with my God. I saw Father chuckle, as he noticed me let out a HUGE sigh of relief. As I got up to leave, Father LaValley said to me. “Welcome home, we're SO glad to have you back.” I exited the confessional with tears in my eyes. I now go to confession at least once per month, whether I really need to or not. I sit before the Blessed Sacrament before I go, and pray, collecting my thoughts, and reviewing my sins ... as well as my sins of omission.
I was in that confessional no more than 5 minutes and I didn’t have to pay a dime. Going to confession regularly keeps me in right relationship with God, his Church, and especially with MYSELF! Now I go and CELEBRATE the Sacrament of Reconciliation regularly. The Sacrament is SOOOO precious to me ... "Priceless"! I think today, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is nothing like i remember. Sometimes I actually look forward to going. There is GENUS in CATHOLICISM! -- People just don't know what they are missing! It may be the best kept secret in the CHRUCH!!!
Please check your parish bulletin for the times when the Sacrament of
reconciliation is celebrated. During Lent I am sure you will find Penance Services, Parish Missions, Stations of the Cross, as well as extended times for confessions. I encourage you …. Please go and celebrate this wonderful Sacrament, and do it often. Jesus misses each one of us who are not in right relationship with him. He wants us ALL to be the VERY BEST person that we can be, and he wants to give us the grace to do so. One more thing... don’t worry about being embarrassed about your shortcomings. I have heard several priests say… “There is nothing that you might tell me that I haven’t heard many times before. You just aren’t that original!” I am also sure that over time those coming into the confessional are just like people you might meet at work. You know the face, but you don’t remember every detail of the conversations you’ve ever had with them. They all seem to just blend into obscurity. I truly beleive that God give his priests an additional special gift. The gift to forget the sins of many... including mine. Thank you Lord for the thought you put into the Sacraments... There is GENIUS in CATHOLOCISM! ( I know... i'm repeating myself again.)
Go and celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation this week. You KNOW that you will be glad you did. In addition, going to confession may just make THIS celebration of the Feast of Easter the best you’ve had in years!
Until next time,
May God Bless and Keep You.
Are you AFRAID to go to Confession? Are you SCARED what the priest might THINK about you? Well, I would like to share with you, my experience of going to “confession” for the first time in OVER 25 YEARS. I was born and raised Catholic but by the time I was 26, I had left the Church and joined a protestant evangelical church. Shamefully, I actually tried to get other Catholics to go with me; but that is another story for a later time. I must also admit that over the years I often confessed that I would NEVER, EVER, EVER, go back to the Catholic Church. Did I say ‘never’? Well, we have all heard that before… “Never say never.”… Right? After about 15 years in the protestant church, I began to have doubts about their beliefs and slowly attended church less and less until I just stopped going altogether. Then I had some life changing and dramatic events in my life. As you might expect, I looked to the only place that I knew I could find hope and help. I turned to God.
Although this process took a year or so, I ultimately found myself at
the doors of St. Mary’s Cathedral in Ogdensburg. BOY was I scared! I was shaking so, as I opened that door and went in. NO, the roof did not cave in… but I did look up to make sure. It was Saturday and I learned that confessions were being heard at this time. I approached the confessional; still shaking with my heart racing I entered the box. I was surprised when I saw that I had the option of sitting right in front of the priest. “OH NO! I’m DEAD!” I thought. “I gotta look him in the eye? OH GOD! WHAT have I done!?” I almost turned around and walked out I was so scared. “What is this man going to THINK of me when I tell him that I tried to lead Catholics away from the Church!?” Then, into my head popped… “JUST DO IT”… like Nike says, “JUST DO IT!” And I did. I sat down RIGHT in front of him.
He was reading a book and as he set it down, he lifted his eyes to me
with a wide and sincere smile. I immediately turned my eyes to the floor. I
just could not look at him. He extended his hand and I looked up at his eyes as we shook hands. I then introduced myself. Then I froze! I couldn’t speak. MY lips and mouth were like a parched desert! “HOW am I going to get through this?!” I thought. He sensed my anxiety and said in a soft voice, “It’s OK, just relax. Take a deep breath and relax.” I tried, but was not very successful. I tried to speak and uttered a few words stumbling over them. Then I finally got it out… “Bless me father for I have sinned, it has been over 25 years since my last confession...” He said with a great big smile… “WELLLLLLL….” (At that instant I thought, ‘OH GOD… here it comes!")…. WEL-COMMMME Back!” I was pleasantly surprised and so relieved. This priest was not like Monsignor Tierney whom I once feared as a child. Maybe this isn’t going to be as hard as I thought. I must say that as I began to share of my thoughts, my words and deeds of the last quarter century… he listened so intently. He was sincere, genuinely concerned, loving, and encouraged me as we talked. He made me feel so comfortable, and he even helped me with the prayers. He was truly lifting me up. The Love I felt was amazing. "This is what Church should be like" I thought to myself. After he shared the story of the prodigal son and we discussed it briefly. He then prayed the words of absolution and my eyes welled up with tears of joy. The BURDEN off my shoulders was enough to make me want to SOAR! It was then I remembered one of the best things about confession… the RELIEF of Guilt and the JOY of being reconciled to God and his Church. Once again, I was assured that I was once again in ‘right relationship” with my God. I saw Father chuckle, as he noticed me let out a HUGE sigh of relief. As I got up to leave, Father LaValley said to me. “Welcome home, we're SO glad to have you back.” I exited the confessional with tears in my eyes. I now go to confession at least once per month, whether I really need to or not. I sit before the Blessed Sacrament before I go, and pray, collecting my thoughts, and reviewing my sins ... as well as my sins of omission.
I was in that confessional no more than 5 minutes and I didn’t have to pay a dime. Going to confession regularly keeps me in right relationship with God, his Church, and especially with MYSELF! Now I go and CELEBRATE the Sacrament of Reconciliation regularly. The Sacrament is SOOOO precious to me ... "Priceless"! I think today, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is nothing like i remember. Sometimes I actually look forward to going. There is GENUS in CATHOLICISM! -- People just don't know what they are missing! It may be the best kept secret in the CHRUCH!!!
Please check your parish bulletin for the times when the Sacrament of
reconciliation is celebrated. During Lent I am sure you will find Penance Services, Parish Missions, Stations of the Cross, as well as extended times for confessions. I encourage you …. Please go and celebrate this wonderful Sacrament, and do it often. Jesus misses each one of us who are not in right relationship with him. He wants us ALL to be the VERY BEST person that we can be, and he wants to give us the grace to do so. One more thing... don’t worry about being embarrassed about your shortcomings. I have heard several priests say… “There is nothing that you might tell me that I haven’t heard many times before. You just aren’t that original!” I am also sure that over time those coming into the confessional are just like people you might meet at work. You know the face, but you don’t remember every detail of the conversations you’ve ever had with them. They all seem to just blend into obscurity. I truly beleive that God give his priests an additional special gift. The gift to forget the sins of many... including mine. Thank you Lord for the thought you put into the Sacraments... There is GENIUS in CATHOLOCISM! ( I know... i'm repeating myself again.)
Go and celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation this week. You KNOW that you will be glad you did. In addition, going to confession may just make THIS celebration of the Feast of Easter the best you’ve had in years!
Until next time,
May God Bless and Keep You.
Re: 'An Airport Encounter' by Archbishop Timothy Dolan
Finally! I applaud this priest, who with some VISIBLE authority, publicly admits to the shame that the Catholic Church must bare for the sex abuse scandal. At the same time he is willing to address it in open conversation without shying away from it. Yes, there is good reason for that shame, and he expresses that. Yet, at the same time, this priest is able to put it into perspective as we look at this topic in light of society as a whole. Although it is not an easy topic to talk about this priest is not afraid to address it. He knows that the media and those who do not care much for the Church have used this shameful crisis to brand the entire Church as evil. Thank you Archbishop Dolan for taking a firm stand against the guilty parties and at the same time reminding everyone of the RICH contributions of the Catholic Church in our society.
The NY Times had a recent article that really was a 'revelation' for the rest of the media and the anti-Catholics in our society. I can not help but ask them, where is THAT shame? Where is the outcry? Where is the outrage?
Checkout his blog posting: "An Airport Encounter' here http://blog.archny.org/?p=1127
View the NY Times Article Here: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/13/nyregion/13homes.html?_r=3&scp=2&sq=state%20homes%20abuse%20&st=cse
Until Next time, May God Bless and Keep You.
The NY Times had a recent article that really was a 'revelation' for the rest of the media and the anti-Catholics in our society. I can not help but ask them, where is THAT shame? Where is the outcry? Where is the outrage?
Checkout his blog posting: "An Airport Encounter' here http://blog.archny.org/?p=1127
View the NY Times Article Here: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/13/nyregion/13homes.html?_r=3&scp=2&sq=state%20homes%20abuse%20&st=cse
Until Next time, May God Bless and Keep You.
My First Post: Welcome!
I want to Welcome you, and Thank You for visiting my blog. I hope and pray that this blog will include sound teaching as I share with you, my thoughts, dreams, frustrations, joys, and excitement as we journey together with our lived experiences. It is my intention to share and discuss the topics of the day in light of Our Faith in Jesus Christ. I am not a scripture scholar, I am not a priest, a deacon, nor do I belong to a religious order. I am a simple Catholic who loves Almighty God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and the Church he established more than 2000 years ago. I like to think of myself as student of Sacred Scripture and the magisterial teaching of Mother Church. It is important to me, to present material that is in line with the ‘orthodoxy’ of the Roman Catholic Church. Should I stray from that, I hope that you will kindly correct me and lead me in the right direction.
As I blog, I will not be afraid to address the hard topics. These topics can cause great division. IF we do NOT discuss them, we begin to make assumptions, ignore the facts, and mislead one another as we generate our own opinions. That gives way to argument and division. I think that is why so many of us in the past have left the church. Like so many, I did not make a sincere investigation of the faith before I went on to another church. I did not look at the facts … nor did I look at any of the rich history of the Catholic faith. We need to look at that history, learn the facts, and discuss them, digest them, PRAY over them, and make sound judgments on them in light of Scripture and Church Teaching. That is what the magisterium has done throughout the ages. I thank God that unlike the very short history of 200+ years that we have as a Nation, we have over 2000+ years of history in the Catholic Church. That history stretches from Pope Benedict XVI all the way back to the Apostle Peter. Yes, it is a history of the good, the bad, and the ugly. A history that includes a string of imperfect men who only by the guidance of the Holy Spirit retained the Faith of the Chruch throughout the ages. Remember, Christ said, “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Do you believe that? I do! Contrary to what some protestants, journalist, and atheists believe, Christ established his Church with Peter… the rock! He gave him the Keys of the Kingdom and Peter has passed on those keys and the authority that comes with them, from generation to generation. The Catholic Church has been in plain view and will remain so until our Lord returns at the end of the age. Thanks be to God!
Again, thank you for visiting my blog and I look forward to sharing with you. I hope you will return again and join in future discussion by posting comments. I welcome your thoughts.
May God bless and keep you.
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