Saturday, April 9, 2011

After Mass, We Are ALL Sent Forth

Every Sunday we go to Mass.  What For?  I often went with the premise that it was all about ME being fed.  I wanted to receive the Word – in the Gospel, in the Homily, and in the Eucharist.  Although that may be part of the big picture, I learned it was definitely not the whole picture.  Yes, we do come together as members of the Body of Christ to be nourished by the Word, but it is also about giving Worship to the Father.  We come together so that we are changed and transformed, transfigured - into the person of Christ.  When we receive the Word of God and especially the Eucharist, we are not really consuming them.  THEY… HE is consuming us so that we can be transformed and become more and more like Him.  As we are transformed, we are then “sent forth” and commissioned to live, act, and be like Him.  With the faith, hope, and the love of God, we are to go about our everyday lives and bring Christ to all we meet in our homes, our communities, at work, and even on the street.  You have heard repeatedly through the years that we are all called to the ‘priesthood’ by virtue of our Baptism into the family of God.  We are all called to bring the Gospel to all we meet, by both word but especially by deed. 

For me that has not easy, as I am sure you will agree.  However, I have discovered the better prepared that I am for this mission, the easier it is to answer that call as an instrument of the body of Christ.  Christ gives us the grace as we offer our lives to do the will of God.  WE must choose to cooperate with that grace; it is not forced on us.  Part of my cooperation with that grace involves commitment and study.  I needed to decide what things I love to do, need to do, want to do, should do, and discern which I need to eliminate to make room for the mission of God’s call in my life.  There are only 24 hours in a day.  What do you devote yours to?  Where does God and His mission for you fit into your Schedule? 

Work: takes up                                                                9
Sleep: takes                                                                     6
Driving the kids to Sports, Practice, Lessons                   4hours?
Shopping and Cooking                                                    3
Relaxation and / or entertainment                                      1
Personal care, shower, laundry, cleaning                           1
                                                                                                 24 Hours

What does your time schedule look like each day?  Is it worse?  What is making it worse?  Do you work longer hours, is shopping and cooking more, are you over-scheduling in the area of relaxation?  Do you have five kids and take more like 5 hours to cater to their schedule?  Are YOU doing TOO much?  Are THEY doing too much?  I know we want our kids to have the best and the most… but are they so busy that between, homework, two sports, music lessons, and hanging out with friends, it creates such havoc for the entire family.  Are your weekends FILLED with sports and activities leaving no room for Church at all?  IF your life is anything like the rest of us in today’s society, I am sure I would hear you saying … YES!   AND, I AM SO STRESSED!  Well, then you need to make some choices.  You need to cut some things out.  It may start by cutting out some of the activities your kids are doing outside the home so that you both can spend more quite time with each other and most importantly … together, with God.  Not just on Sunday at Mass, but every day.  TRY to have meals TOGETHER whenever you can.  studies show that this is one of  the single most important elements of a good and healthy family life, especially when it involves prayer.

Folks we need to make time for God.  IF we do not… our children WILL learn by our example.  I am sure we have all heard the old expression “Children Live what they Learn”.  Well… it’s true!   If they see you DO NOT make Mass a priority, Study of Scripture and the Spiritual life a priority… don’t expect them to!  IF they DO see it, it is much more likely that they will imitate it… especially if you include them.  Sure, as young adults, they will explore other options, just as we did, there may be a time they fall away, but if it has been a visible part of their lives with an attitude of Love, they are MUCH more likely to return to it.  Give them some space as you continue to pray and counsel them, as they try to discover their own role. 

WE are all part of the Church, the Body of Christ. You have heard it said before… as parts of that Body we are His Eyes, His Ears, His Hands, His Feet, and His Heart.  IT is you and me that Christ will use to complete His mission but we have to make the hard but important choices and choose to cooperate with His grace to do so.  I pray we all make the right Choices… as we are sent forth, the Next time we go to Mass.

God Bless you and Keep you … this day and always.
Until next time,

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