Sunday, April 3, 2011

'The Servant of God'

It was just six years ago, that the world took great pause at the passing of a man of great Love, stature, and integrity. He was a man ‘after God’s own Heart’. A ‘Faithful Servant of God’, who showed us how to live, seek forgiveness; forgive un-conditionally, and to grow in Faith, Hope, and the Love of God through Jesus Christ. He cooperated with the grace of God, as he stood in ‘solidarity’ with people around the globe. He was a great proponent of Human Rights, Peace, Freedom, and the integrity of every Human Being created by Almighty God. God graced him with many gifts. He could speak to the hearts and minds of every person who encountered him, by simply loving them, listening to them, and building them up.  He was gifted and able to address an audience of Scholars, or Teachers, Priests or religious. Yet, at the same time, he could speak to the heart of a child, of the poor, or the marginalized. The youth of the world were drawn to him as if he were a beacon of Light and Love. No one can say that he was not a man of great faith, great Love, and understanding. His vision and influence throughout his entire life and especially as Pope of the Roman Catholic Church will be remembered as a shining example of what God wants each of us to be. His vision for society as a whole, was one that breeds truth, trust, and posterity while at the same time keeping the moral standard that God Himself has written on the heart of every man. It is ONLY in this way that we may hope to please God and at the same time bring to all humanity, TRUE success, happiness, and prosperity.

The man I speak of here has had a major influence on my own life. Several years ago, I witnessed John Paul the Great as he lived out his faith to the fullest. In Him, God showed the world the value of EVERY Human being from conception to Natural Death. He stood upon the world stage, as we all watched him as a vibrant young man who was a skier, mountain hiker, and canoeist. Slowly we watched as he aged into a man who experienced crippling pain and anguish in the final years of his life. Even as his health deteriorated his mind and leadership did not. He remained a pillar of wisdom, great thought, vision and insight as he continued to lead the Church into the New Millennium. Yet, he struggled to walk, speak, and do the simple tasks of everyday life that so many of us take for granted. Even at the end of his days, he was ALIVE and
doing the will of God.  Many of us will call him John Paul the Great, because he not only did great things for all of mankind, but year after year and day after day he didn't tell us how to live a Faith filled life, he SHOWED us. In the end, he even showed us how to die. Even then he continued to Glorify God. The life of John Paul the Great will go down in history as one of the most powerful and incredible example of truth and devotion to God and all of His creation.  I am confident that he will go on Living … in the Hearts and Minds of every life he touched, both non-Catholic and Catholic alike. Thank you Lord, for the brilliant example of your Light who was John Paul II.

These past few weeks during lent, and in light of the coming Beatification of John Paul II that is scheduled in Vatican City on Sunday, May 1, 2011; I have compiled a tribute to John Paul II. It is a 20 min pictorial video of his life; as seen through the lenses of hundreds of photographers across the globe.  I post it here on my blog for all to enjoy. It is my first attempt at making a movie like this and I think I am more critical of my own work than others may be.  Nevertheless, I hope you will enjoy it, as together we all remember the ‘Servant of God, Pope John Paul II -- JOHN PAUL THE GREAT!

Until next time…. May God Richly Bless You
and Yours … this Day and Always.

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